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Where can I publish my game ?


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A simple question : where can I publish my game to get some visibility and maybe some revenues ?

Do you have any recommandations, tips ?


PS : my question is not specific to any game, more a general question  ;)



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android market or the iphone appstore?

using the cocoonjs cloud compiler you easily get an apk file for example which you could upload to the market..   but it has it's downsides - in my game for example random sprites are not displayed .. i hope it will be better with cocoonjs 2.x and phaser 2.x 

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if youre looking to make a bit money just uploading to a site then you will need pretty heavy traffic to get any real money from it. A lot of people has went this route but mainly look for publishing from mainstream sites. if you look in the sponsors portal on the forum there is a list of potential publishers out there.


Sidenote: Advanced members can only see the sponsors portal (to the best of my knowledge anyway)

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