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Cocoonjs 2.0 and Phaser 2.0


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Hi, I develop mobile games using Cocoonjs and I want to know how Phaser works in Cocoonjs, is it Scaled properly does it have some bugs, or is it laggy, currently I'm using PandaJS which works great in Cocoonjs and it is especially made for Cocoonjs. I just want to know how Phaser 2.0 stands on that side, because it past couple of months I was reading that starting from 2014 you make Phaser to work better on mobile and Cocoonjs, so is Phaser 2.0 working with Cocoonjs 2.0?!


Thanks. :D

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The first answer to all of this is another question. Have you seen the pinned topic of "Common Phaser + CocoonJs issues"? It's where I try to catalog the various problems and solutions for issues between CocoonJS and Phaser.


As for scaling, well, there is code you need to use for that. It's linked from that topic.


For it being laggy or not, that's pretty relative and often a result of the device being used to run it. Generally, CocoonJS wrapped Phaser code runs well, even on lower end devices.


For bugs... yes. There are a number of issues I would classify as such. You can see them from that topic. But, then again, you might not run into the same issues depending on what your project is and how you are handling certain things.

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Yes I already seen that I just wanted to make sure. The framework has become very popular and it is very good maintained but I wonder why they didn't solve this yet, pandajs which is maintained by one person doesn't have bugs on cocoonjs and works great. I'm not judging or saying which one is the best Its just a curiosity.

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Yes I already seen that I just wanted to make sure. The framework has become very popular and it is very good maintained but I wonder why they didn't solve this yet, pandajs which is maintained by one person doesn't have bugs on cocoonjs and works great. I'm not judging or saying which one is the best Its just a curiosity.


That's not quite true. Since Panda.js uses Pixi.js, many of the problems with text rendering, for example, are shared between it and Phaser. The same, I imagine, with many WebGL operations too. Any problem Pixi.js has with CocoonJS, Panda.js will have it too.


But, yeah, I agree with you about Phaser being well maintained yet having all these issues with CocoonJS. It's frustrating. My only recommendation, then, is to not move to Phaser unless you have to right now for CocoonJS support. If you aren't having problems with Panda.js and CocoonJS, just use that.


We will, hopefully, eventually solve all these issues at some point, but I don't think it will be any time soon.

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