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Heya! I saw from the roadmap that a new version of the website is in the works, so I thought I would provide some feedback of my experience with getting started on phaser js. Maybe some of it will be interesting.


Someone on twitter tells me that phaser is the way to go for making games on html5, so I go to the site. Seems good enough, the site strongly suggests that I get it from github. This is also fine, I know exactly what is up with git, so easy enough to grab.


I go down to the bottom of the site that explains how to get started with javascript. Most of this is dedicated to stuff that I don't need (running in the cloud, choosing a text editor, and downloading, which I already did). I get my webserver up and running.


The next step is the hello phaser, which just has me download a file which seems totally disconnected from the repository. I recognize why the examples aren't in there, but having a minimal window / init would be really amazing in the core of the repo, with instructions right at the top of the readme, or barring that, a quick start.


I think my main frustration with this was that the site told me to download a whole build chain that I won't need unless I am contributing to the core. Not that I actually mind, just that it was a bit confusing, and hard to figure out where to start with it.


the docs themselves are really amazing, and I kinda wish that the were closer to the top of the main site.


The only thing I noticed missing in the examples is how most of them are very procedural (as opposed to OOP? I don't know if that is the right word). The one outlier I noticed was the tanks example, which had what I was looking for. It would be nice if either that one was called out as an example of how to do OOP with phaser, or there was a dedicated example for what methods to override (like processings cool objects reference)


Ok, thats all I got, hope it is of some use.

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Hmmm that's a good point, I'd never really considered that actually lots of devs don't need the full repo, just the build files and docs. Then again part of me hopes they WILL look at the proper source, because there is so much you can learn from it (especially if the docs get a bit vague in places) and it answers lots of questions they may otherwise have :)


Including a complete basic and extended example in the main repo is a good idea though. We'll do that.

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