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Arcade Font Writer


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Thats cool.

I dont know why but that reminded me of...um...ghost writers?...meh, I cant remember what their called but you might remember.  Remember those things where you typed stuff and it recorded all of it (cursor movements, corrections, woteva) and then played it back at the same speed (thinking c64 here).....use to love those things.

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Love it. I had totally forgotten about the Arcade Font Engine, great source of arcade fonts. Noticed a bug though. If you go through the different versions and styles you can easily get them stuck. I'm betting your keeping 2 variables for the font and the style. If I select style 5 and goto a font that doesn't have 5 styles it gets stuck. Probably as simple as reseting the style to 0 when the font changes.


Also has anyone run into issues using extremely long textures like these?

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Not sure if this will help. When it freaks out and stops loading new fonts/styles the "style: # of #" text doesn't change when the font changes.


Also just noticed that it gives these errors:


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null phaser-arcade-physics.min.js:12
12Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getFrames' of null
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