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Texture orientation (rotation) on a sprite


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I'm new to Phaser I'm hoping this will be a quick answer. 


I have my sprite atlas with my ship textures currently oriented pointing up. When loading a sprite from a texture this messes with the acceleration vector based on the rotation. I'd like to rotate a texture without rotating the sprite body which seems like the easiest solution (if it exists).

I can see two work around options here, either create a rotationOffset property and calculate "forward" against that .. or ensure my textures are oriented at a 90 degree angle (no I wont do that). 


Working example to demonstrate this (use arrow keys and not the ship is flying sideways):


Ship Atlas for reference (I URI encoded the data in the sample):

Why I'm here: I found PIXI.js and thought it was pretty awesome so I wrote a small ECS framework around it, I got things loading and moving "yay!". I then got to the point where I needed to add collision and physics systems, a lot of work there, so now I'm taking a break and looking at Phaser because it's PIXI based and most of the guts are already there to mock out a small HTML game. Thanks for the great framework! (although it's not ECS) :P



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I can see two work around options here, either create a rotationOffset property and calculate "forward" against that .. or ensure my textures are oriented at a 90 degree angle (no I wont do that).


The first one is the easiest, but takes more code / processing. The second one you do once and don't need to change your code at all. Personally I do the second one in my games, but honestly it won't take much to extend your Sprites to add offset support either. You could just replace the whole Sprite.angle getter.

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I'm using this for now...
Phaser.Sprite.prototype.rotationOffset = 0;Phaser.Sprite.prototype.getRotation = function(){    return this.rotation + (this.rotationOffset || 0);};

The problem I'm facing now is with 50+ sprites saved saved with that orientation (0 degrees, straight up), I bought TexturePacker last week, not sure if that has a way to orient all sprites.

Short of loading each sprite image and doing a transform, is there a tool that will allow me to do this when creating an atlas?



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