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Help to make my startmenu work


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So i've been making my first html5 game (just a simple squash style game) and it seems the hardest part has been how to go from main menu to the actual game. ...


heres my code 


im using external scrips but just so you guys can see it all ive pasted the code into the script tags


Haaalllpp D:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>	<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css'/>		<title>Squash Game</title></head><body><canvas id="canvas"></canvas><script src='main.js'>//Setting up the canvasvar FPS = 30;var score = 0;var lives = 3;        window.onkeydown = function( e ) {        e = e || window.event;        var code = e.keyCode;            if (code === 38) {        //up        player.vy = -200;        } else if (code === 40) {        //down       player.vy = 200;        }        };        window.onkeyup = function( e ) {        e = e || window.event;        var code = e.keyCode;                    if (code === 38) {        //left        player.vy = 0;        } else if (code === 40) {        //up        player.vy = 0;        }                };player = {    width: 10,    height: 80,    x: 30,    y: (canvas.height/2)-40,    vx: 0,    vy: 0,    color: "white",        draw: function() {        ctx.fillStyle = this.color;        ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);        },    update: function() {        this.x += this.vx / FPS;        this.y += this.vy / FPS;                //collision        if ( this.y < 0 ) {            this.y = 0;                    }        if ( this.y > canvas.height - this.height) {            this.y = canvas.height - this.height;        }                    },};onScreen = {        drawScore: function() {             ctx.fillStyle ="white";             ctx.font ="30px Arial";             ctx.fillText("Score: ", 230, 40);             ctx.fillText(score, 320, 40);        },                drawLives: function() {            ctx.fillStyle="white";            ctx.font = "30px Arial";            ctx.fillText("Lives: ", 30, 40);            ctx.fillText(lives, 120, 40);        },                gameOver: function() {        if (lives <= 0) {            ctx.fillStyle="red";            ctx.font="50px Arial";            ctx.fillText("GAME OVER", (canvas.width/4),200);            score = 0;            lives= 0;        }        }    };ball = {     x: 250,    y: 150,    vx: 200,    vy: 200,    ax: 0,    ay: 0,    radius: 20,    color: "red",        draw: function() {        ctx.beginPath();        ctx.fillStyle = this.color;        ctx.arc( this.x, this.y, this.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI );        ctx.fill();    },    update: function() {        this.vx += this.ax / FPS;        this.vy += this.ay / FPS;        this.x += this.vx / FPS;        this.y += this.vy / FPS;        // Collision detection        if ( this.x < ( 0 + this.radius ) ) {            this.x = 0 + this.radius;            this.vx = -this.vx;            lives--;                                                }                            if ( this.x > (canvas.width - this.radius) ) {            this.x = canvas.width - this.radius;            this.vx = -this.vx;            this.color = "red";            score++;                    }        if ( this.y < (0 + this.radius) ) {            this.y = 0 + this.radius;            this.vy = -this.vy;        }        if ( this.y > (canvas.height - this.radius) ) {            this.y = canvas.height - this.radius;            this.vy = -this.vy;        }                      if ( ball.x + ball.radius >= player.x && ball.x + ball.radius <= player.x + player.height && player.y <= ball.y + ball.radius && player.y + player.height >= ball.y + ball.radius) {                                        this.vx = 250;                this.color = "green";                                                    }                        }    }                        function draw1() {        ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);        player.draw();        ball.draw();        onScreen.drawScore();        onScreen.drawLives();        onScreen.gameOver();           }function update1() {        player.update();        ball.update();                            }//runs 30 times a secondfunction tick1() {        draw1();        update1();}    </script><script src="menu.js">var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");canvas.width =  600;canvas.height =  400   ;var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");FPS = 30;var clicked = false; window.onmousemove = function(e) {    // IE doesn't always have e here    e = e || window.event;    var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();        // get event location        var mouse_x = (e.clientX-rect.left)/(rect.right-rect.left)*canvas.width || (e.pageX-rect.left)/(rect.right-rect.right)*canvas.width;        var mouse_y = (e.clientY-rect.top)/(rect.bottom-rect.top)*canvas.height || (e.pageY-rect.top)/(rect.bottom-rect.top)*canvas.height;        //test if hit play button        if (mouse_x >= 200 && mouse_x <= 400 && mouse_y >= 130 && mouse_y <= 200) {            console.log("mouse on start");            Button_Play.color = "red";        } else {            Button_Play.color = "green";        }        window.onmousedown = function(e) {            if (mouse_x >= 200 && mouse_x <= 400 && mouse_y >= 130 && mouse_y <= 200) {                console.log("clicked start");                 clicked = true;                            } else {                Button_Play.color = "green";            }        }    };Button_Play = {	width: 200,	height: 70,	x: 200,	y: 130,	color: "green",	draw: function() {		ctx.fillStyle = this.color;		ctx.fillRect(this.x,this.y,this.width,this.height);		ctx.fillStyle = "white";		ctx.font = "40px Tahoma";		ctx.fillText("PLAY", 250,180);	},	update: function() {	}}Button_Help = {	width: 200,	height: 70,	x: 200,	y: 220}function draw() {	ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);	ctx.fillStyle = "white";	ctx.font = "50px Tahoma";	ctx.fillText("SQUASH GAME", 110 , 100 );	Button_Play.draw();}function update() {	Button_Play.update();}function startscreen() {	draw();	update();	console.log(clicked);}if (clicked == true){	setInterval(tick1, 1000/FPS);	console.log("entering game");} else if (clicked == false){setInterval(startscreen, 1000/FPS);}</script><script src="pong.js">var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");    canvas.width =  600;    canvas.height =  400   ;        var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");startscreen();</script></body></html>
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Sorry about this bad post ^^ 



what i ment to say is Im trying to make it so when i click the button_play i want it to change the clicked variable to true. i then console.log clicked and it changes fine 

window.onmousedown = function(e) {            if (mouse_x >= 200 && mouse_x <= 400 && mouse_y >= 130 && mouse_y <= 200) {                console.log("clicked start");                 clicked = true;                            } else {                Button_Play.color = "green";            }        }

But the problem is, im using an if statement to detect if clicked == true which is ment to then start updating the game and only update the startmenu if clicked is not true. 

if (clicked == true){	setInterval(tick1, 1000/FPS);	console.log("entering game");} else if (clicked == false){setInterval(startscreen, 1000/FPS);}

But it never does the  setInterval(tick1, 1000/FPS); and always just updates the startscreen? can someone explain why/fix it for me? help appriciated

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i didn't look at all your code now, because it's a bit confusing (and it's late  :) , too), but try to use

if (clicked) { ... }else if (!clicked) { ... }

writing var == true/false is not a good option, because Javascript converts intern to numbers and this gives not always the result you are looking for.

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i didn't look at all your code now, because it's a bit confusing (and it's late  :) , too), but try to use

if (clicked) { ... }else if (!clicked) { ... }

writing var == true/false is not a good option, because Javascript converts intern to numbers and this gives not always the result you are looking for.


Thanks man! i've figured it out  now. Ended up with this if statement inside a function and it works :D

function game() {	if (clicked) {	console.log("going to level");	level();	} else if (!clicked) {	startscreen();	}}setInterval(game,1000/FPS);
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