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How to wobble Phaser.Group


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Ah, in that case you'd probably need to use cacheAsBitmap on the group then copy the pixels to a BitmapData object and perform the above effect, as this effect works only on BitmapData. You could maybe get the equivalent effect with a filter, but that wouldn't work on canvas.

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It's not in the documents at the moment because it's provided by pixi, the underlying rendering engine Phaser uses. I'm afraid I can't be more specific as I have not used it much myself and don't know the details about how you'd do what you're trying to do, but from my understanding, setting .cacheAsBitmap = true flattens the sprite or group into a single texture, which can then be drawn into a BitmapData object. You may not even need the cacheAsBitmap step; as I say I've not tested this yet.

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I found out that RenderTexture.render method draw any display object to the texture.

Now i have to put this texture into a sprite. Then draw this sprite using BitmapData.


BitmapData has a function to draw sprites. And it does draw most of the sprites.

But when i build the sprite by giving it the RenderTexture instance, BitmapData doesn't draw the sprite.


Here is the example: http://jsbin.com/rokelulo/12/edit?js,console,output

Edit: I am using v2.0.6, since v2.0.5 bitmapData.draw method is changed here is updated jsbin: http://jsbin.com/rokelulo/14/edit?js,console,output

    // make a bitmap data    this.bmd = this.game.make.bitmapData(640, 480);   // OPTION 1: this options works   // build a sprite   // this.bmdSprite = this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'bot');   // END OPTION 1    // OPTION 2: this option fails    // build a texture out of my display object (this.renderLayer)    this.bmdTexture = this.game.add.renderTexture(640, 480);    this.bmdTexture.render(this.renderLayer);    // this line gives error on console    // Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D':     // No function was found that matched the signature provided.     // build a sprite with the render texture    this.bmdSprite = this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, this.bmdTexture);    // END OPTION 2    // draw the sprite    this.bmd.draw(this.bmdSprite);

Edit2: Weirdest thing happened i played with jsfiddle a bit and made it to work. http://jsbin.com/rokelulo/16/edit.

But same code doesn't work on my local server, i made sure the phaser files are the same but it still gives the error on my localserver but works fine on jsfiddle. :(

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