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BitmapData - replaceRGB


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Hi guys,



I have some sprites that I'm using to create a composite Image.


I'm doing that because if I use all those sprites in my game screen I'll suffer a great loss of FPS.


I'm using the BitmapData and drawing layer after layer.


The BitmapData doesn't have the tint property, so I'm trying to use the replaceRGB().


var bitmap = new Phaser.BitmapData(game);

bitmap.replaceRGB(255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255);

this.compositeImage = new Phaser.Image(game, x, y, bitmap);

If I try this way my compositeImage only has the "spriteGender_shadow" and "spriteGender_accessories" layers.

If I remove the replaceRGB() I'll get all my layers but no color :/


What I'm doing wrong here?


Thanks in advance,


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I did this in a slightly different way

var bitmapData = game.make.bitmapData(240, 240);bitmapData.draw(game.cache.getImage('bg'), 0, 0);bitmapData.update();//not sure this is necessary here (it was in a different project, and I left it in.)	bitmapData.processPixelRGB(this.convertBlue, this)		


convertBlue: function(col){	//var r = col.r	//var g = col.g;	//var b = col.b;	//var l = (r+g+b)/3;	col.r = 0;	col.g = 0;	col.b = 255;	return col;},

(I've left some of my old code in there, that's in case you wanted to process the colour rather than replace.)

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