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a single emitter in multiple locations

Binary Moon

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Still making my little colour matcher and I want to add some particle effects.


What I want to do is have the particles emit from the balls as they pop. Currently I have a tween on each ball so that it shrinks down when removed and I thought that I could just set the emitter position and emit some particles.


My setup code (in create function) is below

        this.emitter = game.add.emitter(0, 0, 100);        this.emitter.makeParticles('dot-particles', [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]);        this.emitter.gravity = 0;        this.dots.add(this.emitter);

Then each time a bubble is popped I do:

                    this.emitter.x = dot.x;                    this.emitter.y = dot.y;                    this.emitter.start(true, 2000, null, 10);

However this only works for a single ball each time. It doesn't do anything for the others. My guess is that I can only start an emitter once per 'loop' but I don't see why. I can see that the emitter.start is being called on each loop because the associated tween for each ball is happening.


Any help would be most appreciated!

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