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fullscreen aspectratio distortion in firefox


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Hello Phaser Community.


In this little example http://www.oddskill.net/coding/2dshooter1/index.html when going fullscreen

in Firefox the game is scaled to the complete size of the screen, so that the graphics are 



I use "game.scale.fullScreenScaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;"

That works great in chrome and in firefox on a screen with same aspect ratio as the initial canvas.


In firefox on a 1920x1080 screen the fullscreen "world" fills the whole screen and clicking on the sprites

doesnt fire an event.


I had a similar problem before that was solved updating to phaser 2.0.7 (http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/8100-sprite-click-doesnt-work-in-fullscreen-mode/?hl=oddskill)


The new problem exists using phaser 2.0.7, newest firefox on win 8.1 using a 1920x1080 display  with initial canvas size of  640x480.


Is there a solution for that or is it easily possible to scale the world "by hand" when going fullscreen ? 


Any help would be appreciated.


Sorry for my bad english, im german.


best regards



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