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Endless Game


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I am doing an endless game.

I have two options and I dont know which one is better (I will explain the pros/cons that I THINK each one have - I might be wrong, this is why I ask)


  1. my character goes down (y-=something) and I change the game.world.bounds.height - when something is out of bounds, it resets (to another position)
    • Easy to make the rest of the game, nothing is relative (you'll understand what I am talking about when I explain about the second option)
    • The game world height just keep getting bigger and bigger, is it keep being in the memory?
  2. everything goes up (group.addAll(y,something)) - when something is out of bounds, it resets (to another position)
    • What you see is what you get - you dont have extra or hidden elements
    • Too many elements are moving together - is it causing the game to be slower?
    • I need to calculate relative positions because everything is moving but the world is static.


I feel that the first solution is better unless what is hidden (out of bounds) is not in the memory aswell...

Else, I prefer option 2. It might be harder to develop but this way the momery will stay the same

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If the game is truly endless I'd go for method 2 - this is how endless games usually work. It seems like a bit of a pain to do it this way but the overhead in most cases is negligible - moving a camera down is in rendering terms exactly the same as moving sprites up; they get moved upwards on the screen.


I did a little jsFiddle recently demonstrating a simple infinite runner game mechanic: http://jsfiddle.net/lewster32/2e77q54s/

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