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short slide animation on enemy kill, visible but not hittable


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When the enemies in my game get hit, I want them to shortly slide across the screen before they dissapear. So a short visual animation just to let the player know he hit an enemy, rather than just remove it instantly. This video of Super Mario 2 is a good example of what I mean, for example at 0:57



If I do enemy.kill() it is not "alive" so it cannot collide anymore and it can't hit the player which is good, however it's also not visible. So I want it to be shortly still visible and move, but it shouldn't be able to kill the player.


What would be the best way to achieve this?

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The enemies (animals) in my game are in a group, so how do I disable physics for individual group members? Also, the onCompleteCallback callback function gives an error.. :huh:


Here's what I've got so far:

function update() {
    // check player animal collision
    game.physics.arcade.overlap(player, animalsGroup, playerHitsAnimal, null, this); 

function playerHitsAnimal (ply, ani) {
    // calculate slide goal x,y pos, opposite direction of player
    var xgoal = ani.x - (ply.x - ani.x);
    var ygoal = ani.y - (ply.y - ani.y);

    // animal slides back before it is killed
    var tween = game.add.tween(ani).to( { x: xgoal, y: ygoal }, 200, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);
    tween.onCompleteCallback(killAnimal(), this);

function killAnimal (ani) {
    ani.kill(); // <- gives error "Cannot read property 'kill' of undefined"

For complete code see:

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Actually, I believe the code should be:

function update() {    // check player animal collision    game.physics.arcade.overlap(player, animalsGroup, playerHitsAnimal, null, this); } ..function playerHitsAnimal (ply, ani) {    // calculate slide goal x,y pos, opposite direction of player    var xgoal = ani.x - (ply.x - ani.x);    var ygoal = ani.y - (ply.y - ani.y);    // animal slides back before it is killed    ani.body.enable=false;    var tween = game.add.tween(ani).to( { x: xgoal, y: ygoal }, 200, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);    tween.onCompleteCallback(killAnimal(), ani);}function killAnimal () {    this.kill();}
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Actually, I believe the code should be:

Thanks but that doesn't work either, it gives an Uncaught TypeError "undefined is not a function" on the line with this.kill();
I also tried the following code, but that gives the same error  :huh:!?
tween.onCompleteCallback(function(){ani.kill();}, this);
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Try this:

Thanks :) that did the trick as far as removing the animal at the end of the slide animation.
However, a sliding animal can still hit the player even though I've set ani.body.enable=false. I mean playerHitsAnimal() is also called when the player hits an animals during its tween slide animation. This is my code at the moment:
function playerHitsAnimal (ply, ani) {    // calculate slide goal x,y pos, opposite direction of player    var xgoal = ani.x - (ply.x - ani.x);    var ygoal = ani.y - (ply.y - ani.y);    // animal slides back before it is killed    ani.body.enable=false;    var tween = game.add.tween(ani).to( { x: xgoal, y: ygoal }, 200, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);    tween.onComplete.add(function(){ ani.kill(); }, this);}function killAnimal () {    this.kill();}




As far as I can tell, onCompleteCallback isn't even specified.


Also, how can you tell this? Are you using some editting tool with codecompletion, or did you look it up in the phaser documentation?

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