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Music repeating after game reset


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Hey there - my apologies for what's probably a dumb question - totally new to JS and Phaser, and I couldn't find anything on the web to answer this.


Followed a tutorial to make a game, and am now trying to add to it. Have a background track, set to repeat. When the character dies, the game resets instantly. However the music continues AND another track of it starts. Sounds horrendous. How do I kill the track on game reset, so after a death the background music restarts? Using version 2.0.5 if it's relevant - next project I do will be with the most up-to-date.


Code here:

var game = new Phaser.Game(400, 490, Phaser.AUTO, 'gameDiv');var mainState = {    preload: function() {        game.stage.backgroundColor = '#71c5cf';        game.load.image('bird', 'assets/bird.png');        game.load.image('pipe', 'assets/pipe.png');//  Firefox doesn't support mp3 files, so use ogg        game.load.audio('bgMusic', ['assets/bg.mp3', 'assets/bg.ogg']);        // Load the jump sound        game.load.audio('jump', 'assets/jump.wav');    },    create: function() {        game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);        this.pipes = game.add.group();        this.pipes.enableBody = true;        this.pipes.createMultiple(20, 'pipe');        this.timer = this.game.time.events.loop(1500, this.addRowOfPipes, this);        this.bird = this.game.add.sprite(100, 245, 'bird');        game.physics.arcade.enable(this.bird);        this.bird.body.gravity.y = 1000;        // New anchor position        this.bird.anchor.setTo(-0.2, 0.5);        var spaceKey = this.game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR);        spaceKey.onDown.add(this.jump, this);        this.score = 0;        this.labelScore = this.game.add.text(20, 20, "0", { font: "30px Arial", fill: "#ffffff" });        // Add the jump sound        this.jumpSound = this.game.add.audio('jump');        // Game music        var music;        music = game.add.audio('bgMusic',1,true);        music.play('',0,1,true);    },        update: function() {        if (this.bird.inWorld == false)                    this.restartGame();        game.physics.arcade.overlap(this.bird, this.pipes, this.hitPipe, null, this);        // Slowly rotate the bird downward, up to a certain point.        if (this.bird.angle < 20)            this.bird.angle += 1;    },    jump: function() {        // If the bird is dead, he can't jump        if (this.bird.alive == false)            return;        this.bird.body.velocity.y = -350;        // Jump animation        game.add.tween(this.bird).to({angle: -20}, 100).start();        // Play sound        this.jumpSound.play();    },    hitPipe: function() {        // If the bird has already hit a pipe, we have nothing to do        if (this.bird.alive == false)            return;        // Set the alive property of the bird to false        this.bird.alive = false;        // Prevent new pipes from appearing        this.game.time.events.remove(this.timer);        // Go through all the pipes, and stop their movement        this.pipes.forEachAlive(function(p){            p.body.velocity.x = 0;        }, this);    },    restartGame: function() {        game.state.start('main');    },    addOnePipe: function(x, y) {        var pipe = this.pipes.getFirstDead();        pipe.reset(x, y);        pipe.body.velocity.x = -200;        pipe.checkWorldBounds = true;        pipe.outOfBoundsKill = true;    },    addRowOfPipes: function() {        var hole = Math.floor(Math.random()*5)+1;        for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)            if (i != hole && i != hole +1)                this.addOnePipe(400, i*60+10);        this.score += 1;        this.labelScore.text = this.score;    }};game.state.add('main', mainState);game.state.start('main'); 
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Just stop the music playing in your restartGame function, by keeping a reference on the state instead of locally:

create: function() {  this.music = game.add.audio('bgMusic', 1, true);}restartGame: function() {  this.music.stop();}

In a game I recently made, I instead added the music to a global variable which checked to see if it had been defined and had a playing audio instance - if it was, it did nothing, if it wasn't, it set it - something like this:

if (!GlobalGame.music || !GlobalGame.music.isPlaying) {  GlobalGame.music = this.game.add.audio('music', 1, true);}

This allowed the music to start at the beginning of the game, and continue uninterrupted whenever the game reset or changed states.

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