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Click on Graphic


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I create a graphic:

graphics = game.add.graphics(0, 0);draw(graphics); function draw(ctx) {      ctx.beginFill(0xFF3300);      ctx.moveTo(121.0, 741.7);      ctx.lineTo(0.8, 741.8);      ctx.lineTo(0.0, 0.1);      ctx.lineTo(120.2, 0.0);      ctx.lineTo(121.0, 741.7);          ctx.endFill();       }

It's created correctly.


Now i need click with mouse on this graphic and other graphics in game. 


I think convert a graphic to a sprite (for use a normal click event), but i don't know if it is posible. 



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I added graphin in sprite. And work fine.


For mouse event I followed the  next example for click on sprite.




But It does not work. And does not give me any errors.


I thought it is better with a image file. When i move the graphic, the "game" goes slow, but with a image, goes good.


It's best way use images vs graphics? The images outweighs, and need a perfect pixel collsion, but goes faster?



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  • 2 months later...

UPDATE: Forget it, I was using Phaser 2.0.6, I've updated to 2.2.1. and everything works perfectly! :)

I've the same problem: I created a canvas graphic and added as sprite, but I can't click:  With 2.2.1 the following works nice!

[...]create: function() {   this._graphicsHat = game.add.graphics(0, 0);   var createCanvas = this.drawHat(this._graphicsHat, 0, 0);   this._canvasHat = game.add.sprite(0, 0);   this._canvasHat.addChild( createCanvas );   // click:   this._canvasHat.inputEnabled = true;   this._canvasHat.events.onInputDown.add(this.clickHat, this);},drawHat: function(ctx, xoff, yoff) {   ctx.beginFill(this._colorBlue); // ctx.beginPath() en Pixie.js   ctx.lineStyle(4, this._colorBlack, 1);   ctx.moveTo(279 + xoff, 301 + yoff);   ctx.bezierCurveTo(263 + xoff, 296 + yoff, 262 + xoff, 269 + yoff, 273 + xoff, 253 + yoff);   ctx.bezierCurveTo(276 + xoff, 224 + yoff, 302 + xoff, 159 + yoff, 310 + xoff, 147 + yoff);   ctx.bezierCurveTo(346 + xoff, 93 + yoff, 405 + xoff, 75 + yoff, 420 + xoff, 74 + yoff);   // a lot of more ctx.    return ctx;},clickHat: function() {   console.log('click en sombrero');},[...]

Click on this._canvasHat never enter in clickHat method, but if I change the canvas for any image, this works perfectly... The problem is that I need use canvas

¿Any idea?

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