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Tinting always turn out black. need help

Le Twitch

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Yeah you cannot use shorthand with JavaScript numbers, as they're interpreted literally; 0xfff === 4095 and 0xffffff === 16777215. Three digit hex codes are a shorthand added to the CSS specification but only make sense if the interpreter is expecting either a 3 or a 6 digit hex code. The 0x notation used by JavaScript always direcly represents actual numbers and can be any length.

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Most likely you are using the wrong format for the colour value. It needs to be a number like 0xff0000, not a string like "#ff0000" or "red"

myField.tint = 0xffcc00;

the above works for me.


Thanks for the help, it works now. Now I have another problem :S 0x000000 which is black, doesn't work 

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