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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasLoaded' of undefined


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I just started to work with making a simple menu. I have a simple script but it doesnt work. The error is:



Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasLoaded' of undefined



And here is code:

var game = new Phaser.Game(500,500, Phaser.AUTO, 'gamediv');game.mainMenu = function(){};game.mainMenu.prototype = {    button:null,        preload : function() {        game.load.spritesheet('new_game_button', 'asset/button/newgame.png');            },    create : function() {       this.button = game.add.button(game,50,50, 'new_game_button', function(){           console.log("h");       }, null, 2, 1 ,0);    },        update : function() {            },    }game.state.add('MainMenu', game.mainMenu);game.state.start('MainMenu');

what is wrong with this code? How can i solve this issue?



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I've never used a spritesheet for buttons but shouldn't the preload line define the dimensions and number of frames?  eg

game.load.spritesheet('new_game_button', 'asset/button/newgame.png', 64, 64, 3);//for a sprite sheet made of 3 64 x 64 frames.

This example seems to cover much of what you want:


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With spencerTL's contrubution i solved error. I took a look to button examples and documentation of loader.


I've tried to implement like here:http://docs.phaser.io/Phaser.Button.html but right implemetation of Game.add.button is like this: http://docs.phaser.io/Phaser.GameObjectFactory.html#button


So i updated my source code to this:

var game = new Phaser.Game(500,500, Phaser.AUTO, 'gamediv');var button;var mainMenu = {        preload : function() {        game.load.spritesheet('new_game_button', 'asset/button/newgame.png',128,50);            },    create : function() {       button = game.add.button(50,50, 'new_game_button', function(){           console.log("h");       }, null, 2, 1 ,0);    },        update : function() {            },    }game.state.add('MainMenu', mainMenu);game.state.start('MainMenu');

Thank you for all of your interest.


Regards :)

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