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Sprite animation vs Tweening - performance question


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Hi all,


Been playing around with Phaser for a couple months now; really like it!


This might be more of a general game dev question, but either way I'm still wondering if anyone might have any insight on the following:


Which would be expected to perform better on mobile? Tweening the properties of a sprite/image, or animating through the frames of a sprite to achieve a similar effect.


For example, which would perform better?

a. Tweening the alpha, scale, tint of a sprite

b. Animating a sprite through frames that look similar to the  above described tween


Thanks for the help, and thanks for this great community.







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A texture based animation will always be faster than actual particles, yes. But it's a trade-off. If you use too much memory with too large textures, then you'll cripple your game by exhausting device RAM. But on a technical level, yes, definitely faster.

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