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Child group update function does not get called


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I have a parent group that contains several child groups. Apparently only the update function of the parent group get's called. I would also like to call the update function of the childs. Is there a direct way to solve this, without iterating through the childs and manually calling update()?


Thanks :)

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Phaser definitely calls the child update functions:


This can happen if you subclass Phaser.Group but forget to call the parent function when you are overriding methods:

function MyGroup() {    Phaser.Group.apply(this, arguments);}MyGroup.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Group.prototype);MyGroup.prototype.constructor = MyGroup;// if you override, make sure to call the parent function.MyGroup.prototype.update = function () {    Phaser.Group.prototype.update.apply(this, arguments);};
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