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All Snowmen not firing


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I'm stuck with 2 last issues with my first platformer game.



Here's a link for reference


I can't get all of my snowmen to shoot, and also I can't seem to remove the 'kill' animation when a snowman dies.

Any suggestions would be really helpful.


I'm creating enemy snowmen and adding them to a group


So I'm defining and creating the snowmen group then adding each snowman in the create with


grpSnowmen = this.game.add.group();this.spawnSnowman(800,200, 'snowman1');

Which calls the following, adding a new snowman to the group


      spawnSnowman: function(x,y,name){        var snowman = this.game.add.sprite(x,y, 'snowman');        this.game.physics.arcade.enable(snowman);        snowman.name = name;        snowman.isAlive = true;        snowman.health = 1;        snowman.pathcount = 1;        snowman.enableBody = true;        snowman.body.gravity.y = 500;        snowman.body.collideWorldBounds = true;        snowman.animations.add('walking_left', [0,2], 6, true);        snowman.animations.add('walking_right', [1,3], 6, true);        grpSnowmen.add(snowman);        return snowman;      }
Next, in the update, I'm cycling through the group and if the snowman is alive, I'm updating it's path and calling fire functions ala:

    grpSnowmen.forEach(function(snowman) {      if(snowman.isAlive){      this.snowmanPath(snowman);      this.enemyShoots(snowman);    }    }, this);
All of the snowmen move correctly, however only the very first snowman fires

Here are the snowmanPath and EnemyShoots functions

      snowmanPath: function(enemySnowman) {        if (this.pathCounter < 325)  {          enemySnowman.animations.play('walking_right');          enemySnowman.body.velocity.x = 100;          enemySnowman.facingEnemy = 'right';        } else {          enemySnowman.animations.play('walking_left');          enemySnowman.body.velocity.x = -100;          enemySnowman.facingEnemy = 'left';        }      }
 enemyShoots: function(thisSnowMan) {        obj = thisSnowMan;        if (this.shotTimerEnemy < this.game.time.now && thisSnowMan.isAlive == true) {          this.shotTimerEnemy = this.game.time.now + 3000;          if (thisSnowMan.facingEnemy == 'right') {            this.snowball = snowballs.create(thisSnowMan.body.x + thisSnowMan.body.width / 2 + 45, thisSnowMan.body.y + thisSnowMan.body.height / 2 + 5, 'snowball');          } else {            this.snowball = snowballs.create(thisSnowMan.body.x + thisSnowMan.body.width / 2 - 40, thisSnowMan.body.y + thisSnowMan.body.height / 2 + 5, 'snowball');          }          this.game.physics.enable(this.snowball, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);          this.snowball.body.gravity.y = 300;          this.snowball.body.bounce.y = 10;          this.snowball.outOfBoundsKill = true;          this.snowball.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);          this.snowball.body.velocity.y = -160;          if (thisSnowMan.facingEnemy == 'right') {            this.snowball.body.velocity.x = 400;          } else {            this.snowball.body.velocity.x = -400;          }        }      }
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