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Compatibility: Phaser and Spine


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Hello everybody,


I have a rather general question concearning Phaser.

I'm thinking about using the Spine software for making 2D animations I then would want to implement into games made with Phaser.


Is Phaser able to support this?

If yes:

What are the differences for the trial version and the full version?





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Hi, Phaser is using Creature (http://creature.kestrelmoon.com/), see examples at animation section - http://phaser.io/examples/v2/category/animation (looks like it is broken now?). Unfortunately, it is currently available only for WebGL.


Beside this, I made Spriter (http://www.brashmonkey.com/) player. It has implemented features from free version of the tool. Here is GitHub repo: https://github.com/SBCGames/Spriter-Player-for-Phaser and here you can see it in action: http://sbcgamesdev.blogspot.cz/2015/09/phaser-tutorial-phaser-and-spriter.html. This work for both WebGL and Canvas.

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