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Hi I have viarbox vr

Which camera sould I use "Web VR Free Camera" or "VR Device Orientation Free Camera" ?
Is there any example(s) or tutorial(s) or playgound(s)?

How can we have touch events on phone screen for navigation (moving roration) in scene?

Can anybody help me to try this with babylonjs? Is there any blog or documentation how to do that. Especially how to move/rotate with touch events on mobile screen?



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I add

var camera = new BABYLON.VRDeviceOrientationFreeCamera("DevOr_camera", new BABYLON.Vector3(46, 15, -11), scene);
camera.setTarget(new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 10));
camera.applyGravity = true;
camera.attachControl(canvas, true);


it work well.

Can anybody tell me how to navigate forward,backward left right.. 
I see on some examples point(cursor) like mouse cursor in allways in center.
And that with this point/cursor we can press buttons.... som interected buttons...

Is there any playground or example how to start ?

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This will get you rolling.  Drag camera until center dot is positioned upon some mesh.  Lift mouse button (stop dragging).

Works pretty well.  Not my playground... found it with playground search for "crosshair".  :)

I don't know much about VR, webVR, touch, or deviceOrient.  Sorry.  Too modern for me.

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What is the difference between a regular camera and a VR camera in that case?

WASD (i assume the keyboard keys) are changing your position, not your rotation. So unless you get your position straight from your sensors (like in the case of Vive), you need a way to change your position in the scene. Attach a keyboard to the camera, and it will magically work. 


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I have viarbox which don't have input for navigating around scene.
I see (mars) example which have circle point in center and virtual joystick for (like WSAD), when we point circle to joystick forward than we move forward like W key.

Is there any example playground how to solve something like Mars example of babylon example..

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VR is in phone web browser. and phone in in front of viarbox. 
I see only input posibility like mars (because viarbox have no input hardware..: for/like WSAD). 

I have some example but still have to implement some virtual joystick for WSAD and center-point-circle(center of camera), When we move this ceter-point-circle to joystick (for like WSAD). 
I have to implement some virtual joystick in center of camera for WSAD and implement camera move forward,backward,left,right when we move center-pont circle on joystick...
Is there any example showcase or playground how to implemnt this joystick for VR camera...

(this example have no input (virtual joystick) for WSAD yet...) 


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