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Simulate slow download for preloader developing


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It depends how you have your preloader setup, and it seems obvious, but I usually just decouple the preloader from any content loading and just update it manually.


So for instance if your preloader updates based on a loader event, I would remove the event and update the preloader at a timed interval with a set progress amount. It won't simulate the 'chunkiness' of downloading but it works for getting the logic and design worked out.

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To avoid without mucking about with servers, try add something like this code at the top of your JS:


Phaser.Loader.prototype.originalNextFile = Phaser.Loader.prototype.nextFile;Phaser.Loader.prototype.nextFile = function(previousIndex, success) {    var self = this;      window.setTimeout(function() {        Phaser.Loader.prototype.originalNextFile.call(self, previousIndex, success);    }, 100 /* milliseconds */);}; 
(note: totally untested)
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It's somethinf different to have some latency in the server response (server waiting before responding, but then responding as fast as usual) and to have a poor bandwith (low speed). Maybe this difference doesn't make sense in the player experience, I don't know.


If you are running an Apache 2.5 web server (even locally), you can set up the bandwith with the ratelimit module : https://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/mod/mod_ratelimit.html

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I can fill in that besides Apache you can also limit very easily with nginx.


I'm trying local development with WPN-XM and I prefer nginx over Apache. I remember trying limiting locally with Apache before but I never got it working - hopefully it should work now.


With nginx it's as easy as setting a "limit_rate" directive. Very useful.

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