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Multiply a Vector3 times a Quaternion


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Hey guys I got a situation (fallowing some training material) where I need to multiply and Vector3 * Quaternion... Example:


var direction:BABYLON.Vector3 = new BABYLON.Vector3(0,0,-distance);
var rotation:BABYLON.Quaternion = this.manager.euler(rotaionX, rotaionY, 0.0);

// Something like this pseudo code below
var result:BABYLON.Vector3 = this.cameraTarget.position + rotation * direction;


How do I do something like this in Babylon ???


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4 minutes ago, adam said:

I looked again at what you're doing and you are probably going to want to use Vector3.TransformNormal()

Yo @adam do you think you format this code to something useful in Babylon and I will make part of a MothTools or something:



// Something like this pseudo code below

var result:BABYLON.Vector3 = position + (rotation * direction);

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var position = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var direction = new BABYLON.Vector3(1, 0, 0);

var rotation = BABYLON.Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll(Math.PI*.5, 0, 0);
var matrix = BABYLON.Matrix.Identity();
BABYLON.Matrix.FromQuaternionToRef(rotation, matrix);

var result = position.add(BABYLON.Vector3.TransformNormal(direction, matrix)); 



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16 minutes ago, adam said:


var position = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var direction = new BABYLON.Vector3(1, 0, 0);

var rotation = BABYLON.Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll(Math.PI*.5, 0, 0);
var matrix = BABYLON.Matrix.Identity();
BABYLON.Matrix.FromQuaternionToRef(rotation, matrix);

var result = position.add(BABYLON.Vector3.TransformNormal(direction, matrix)); 



 Yo @adam Thanks man... I will put this in some kind of Helper Tool :)


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Yo @adam  Just so I'm clear... Does this do the actual Multplication of the rotation (converted to a matrix) times Direction Vector..

So I should be able to do something like:

public multplyVectorByQuaternion(vec:Vector3, quat:Quaternion):Vector3 {
 var matrix = BABYLON.Matrix.Identity();
 BABYLON.Matrix.FromQuaternionToRef(quat, matrix);
 return BABYLON.Vector3.TransformNormal(vec, matrix);

And if that works... I make a xxxToRef version:

public multplyVectorByQuaternionToRef(vec:Vector3, quat:Quaternion, result:Vector3):void {
 var matrix = BABYLON.Matrix.Identity();
 BABYLON.Matrix.FromQuaternionToRef(quat, matrix);
 BABYLON.Vector3.TransformNormalToRef(vec, matrix, result);

Note: I will of a better name than: 'multplyVectorByQuaternion'

But should that work ???

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Here are two versions of my "rotateVector3ToRef" function.
basic version:

export function rotateVector3ToRef(pV: BABYLON.Vector3, pRot: BABYLON.Quaternion,
        pResult: BABYLON.Vector3): void
        //pResult = pRot * pV * conjugate(pRot)
        let tQuat = pRot.multiply(new BABYLON.Quaternion(pV.x, pV.y, pV.z, 0));

        pResult.x = tQuat.x;
        pResult.y = tQuat.y;
        pResult.z = tQuat.z;


And a faster version based on this: http://blog.molecular-matters.com/2013/05/24/a-faster-quaternion-vector-multiplication/
This is the one i'm using in production.

    export function rotateVector3ToRef(pV: BABYLON.Vector3, pRot: BABYLON.Quaternion,
        pResult: BABYLON.Vector3): void
        //t = 2 * cross(pRotation.xyz, pVector)
        //pResult = pVector + pRotation.w * t * cross(pRotation.xyz, t)
        let tx = 2 * (pRot.y * pV.z - pRot.z * pV.y);
        let ty = 2 * (pRot.z * pV.x - pRot.x * pV.z);
        let tz = 2 * (pRot.x * pV.y - pRot.y * pV.x);

        pResult.x = pV.x + pRot.w * tx + (pRot.y * tz - pRot.z * ty);
        pResult.y = pV.y + pRot.w * ty + (pRot.z * tx - pRot.x * tz);
        pResult.z = pV.z + pRot.w * tz + (pRot.x * ty - pRot.y * tx);


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