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Text particles?


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Hi Team,

I can't quite figure out if it's possible to have a Text object as the particle texture?

var partText = new game.Text('Perfect!');
            var particles = new game.Particles();
            particles.emitDuration = 30;
            particles.emitRate = 2;
            particles.emitCount = 1;
            particles.angle = 4.8;
            particles.speed = 300;
            particles.life = 400;
            particles.rotate = 0;
            particles.rotateVar = 1;
            particles.lifeVar = 100;
    	    particles.startPos.set(game.width / 2, game.height / 3);
            particles.angleVar = 0.2;
    	    particles.speedVar = 30;


This, doesn't work. (It wants a Sprite, not a Text in particles.textures.push(x);

I had a quick look through Text, and Container classes.. it's going to take me a while to run through it, as nothing is obviously popping out as 'here's the texture'. :)

Has anyone done this before? If yes, then you'll save me an hour or so of debugging...!

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Hi Team,

Found some time to look into this. You can do this by turning cache on for the Text, and then using the texture of the cache'd sprite.


var text = new game.Text('Hello Panda');
text.cache = true;
//Particle test.
var particles = new game.Particles();
particles.position.set(game.width / 2, game.height / 2);


And looks pretty good, too. :)



This is still not a clean way, as you have to use the _cachedSprite.texture, which you kind of want to think of as hidden variables. I'm also not sure if it's necessary to turn caching on for the text.

I tried playing around with the source, and did something like this:

//Text.js -> add new method to getTexture
getTexture: function() {
		return this._cachedSprite.texture;

//Particle code in Main.js is now:
var text = new game.Text('Hello Panda');

var particles = new game.Particles();
particles.position.set(game.width / 2, game.height / 2);


I something like this should be a bit cleaner. And I think it's kind of useful to be able to just pull out the Texture like this. @enpu

Useful, or nah?

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