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(Solved)How to active Virtual Joystick plugin on game??


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I download 'RPG' Game template on this link


and would like to add Virtual Joystick plugin on this game

firstly, I add the Virtual Joystick plugin code on main.js and add the shoot button


the following is shoot button code:

 //player shoot button code 
 var player = this.player;
 this.shotbutton = new game.Graphics();
 this.shotbutton.drawCircle(50, 50, 50);
 this.shotbutton.x = 550;
 this.shotbutton.y = 850;
 this.shotbutton.alpha = 0.5

this code is work!!! the player can shoot arrow

but I try to add the Virtual Joystick plugin , it seem not work.......

I add the following code on  game.createScene  'Main'  , init function 

 game.createScene('Main', {
    init: function() { 
   this.joystick = new game.Joystick(150, game.height - 150, 120, 'red');



and add the following code on game.createClass('Player', 'Animation',   , update function 


game.createClass('Player', 'Animation', {
    walkSpeed: 200,
    health: 5,
    shield: false,    
    update: function() {    
        this.body.velocity.x += joystick.axis.x * walkSpeed * game.delta;
        this.body.velocity.y += joystick.axis.y * walkSpeed * game.delta;



but the player is not move.......,any idea or tip how to active the plugin ?? thank you very much

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On 9/25/2018 at 11:45 PM, enpu said:

Try this in your Player class update function:

this.body.velocity.x += game.scene.joystick.axis.x * this.walkSpeed * game.delta;
this.body.velocity.y += game.scene.joystick.axis.y * this.walkSpeed * game.delta;


Thx.  @enpu

I added it

but still not work,  

I try to add the following code

this.body.velocity.x += game.scene.joystick.axis.x * 200 * game.delta;
this.body.velocity.y += game.scene.joystick.axis.y * 200 * game.delta;


the player still not move ,  anyidea?


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I solved this, I modified Player class update function movement code, it worked?,

  thx @enpu

if (game.keyboard.down('LEFT') || joystick.axis.x < 0) {
this.body.velocity.x = -this.walkSpeed;
else if (game.keyboard.down('RIGHT') || joystick.axis.x > 0) 
this.body.velocity.x = this.walkSpeed;
this.body.velocity.x = 0;

if (game.keyboard.down('UP') || joystick.axis.y < 0) 
this.body.velocity.y = -this.walkSpeed;
else if (game.keyboard.down('DOWN') || joystick.axis.y > 0) 
this.body.velocity.y = this.walkSpeed;
else {
this.body.velocity.y = 0;


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