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Can't import babylonjs-gui?


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13 hours ago, ssaket said:

If you import it as "GUI" then use GUI.Control not BABYLON.GUI.Control; otherwise use import { separate classes } form 'babylonjs-gui'
or just import 'babylonjs-gui' which will install them in the global BABYLON module and you can use them as BABYLON.GUI



Yes, u're right. but "addControl" is also undefined.

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23 hours ago, JohnK said:

Really need to see the full code again to see what you have changed

Hi, i have already post the screenshot of the function "createGUI", after that i just call the function once to create the GUI. Sorry for not posting the code cauz the code has not  been finished yet. I think it's a bug.:unsure:

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31 minutes ago, yzthr said:

Hi, i have already post the screenshot of the function "createGUI", after that i just call the function once to create the GUI. Sorry for not posting the code cauz the code has not  been finished yet. I think it's a bug.:unsure:

And what if the error is not in that function? From what @aWeirdo says it is likely to be in the section where you create the advancedTexture. It is always really difficult to help with only part of the picture.

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I agree with aWeirdo and JonhK, it seems, that you reference advancedTexture however it is not defined(there is no instance of the advanced texture) in the function, and it is being referenced locally so if it was defined outside the function it would be in the wrong scope.  

Here is a playground i threw together: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#SNE6BN


If this doesnt help try recreating your code in a playground like the one above.

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