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Anchor emitter to sprite


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On the webpage it talks about attaching an emitter to a sprite so that you can create a "jet". Is this done via groups? I've setup a player sprite and all my controls currently work on that. If creating a group is the answer, should a refactor be as simple as changing <sprite>.body to <group>.body?



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Looks like the particles are also affected by the rotation of the parent object. Not really what I was looking for. If there is no way to detach the particle from the transformation pipeline then I may just have to calculate emitter position independently using cos/sin.

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I would not add the emitter to a sprite with addChild. You can't really control if the emitter is going to render above or beneath the sprite texture. You should place a simple position syncing in your update loop.

//This update function is provided by your current stateupdate: function(){    emitter.x = sprite.x    emitter.y = sprite.y} 

That's it.

By the way, you could also apply a counter rotation to the emitter in your sprite's update function. Something like this. This works as long as your sprite is not inside another object that is rotated itself. 

//inside your sprite updateemitter.rotation = -this.rotation

But why would you do it like this? Use the manual sync mentioned above instead!

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Your are talking about the situation that the emitter is not a child of the sprite aren't you ? The emitter inherits from group. Every particles is a child of the emitter. As long as the emitter is behind the sprite all the particles are behind it too.  The emitter itself is a display object and can be brought in the correct display order with a #swap, a #bringToTop call or whatever you can use to modify the order.

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  • 3 years later...

Hi, may I use this post by George (

//This update function is provided by your current stateupdate: function(){    emitter.x = sprite.x    emitter.y = sprite.y} 


I have a group of missile and I need each missile be follow by my particles.


Thanks a lot.

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