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Timer with named function


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I have problem with timer - I want a repeated execution of a function, which works if the function is lambda, but not if the function has a name.

For illustration, this code writes the console every second:

game.module('game.main')        .body(function() {            SceneGame = game.Scene.extend({                init: function() {                    this.addTimer(1000, function() {                        console.log('second');                    }, true);                }            });            game.start();        });

This code writes the console exactly once, after a second:

game.module('game.main')        .body(function() {            SceneGame = game.Scene.extend({                init: function() {                    this.addTimer(1000, this.my_timer(), true);                },                my_timer: function() {                    console.log('second');                }            });            game.start();        });

In my understanding they should be equal, but I have subpar knowledge of JS, so maybe it's some scoping thing?

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You should use bind.

init: function() {    this.addTimer(1000, this.my_timer.bind(this), true);}

Thank you!

I Googled a bit based on your reference and now I also understand that I was passing a result of calling 'my_timer()' rather than the function itself.

For the completeness, this would also work, but 'SceneGame' would not be accessible from within of 'my_timer':

game.module('game.main')        .body(function() {            SceneGame = game.Scene.extend({                init: function() {                    this.addTimer(1000, this.my_timer, true);                },                my_timer: function() {                    console.log('second');                }            });            game.start();        });
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Following on the previous - I found that the timers keep running after the change of scene, meaning that:

game.module('game.main')        .body(function() {            SceneGame = game.Scene.extend({                init: function() {                    this.addTimer(1000, this.my_timer, true);                    game.system.setScene(End);                },                my_timer: function() {                    console.log('second');                    this;                }            });            game.start();                        End = game.Scene.extend({               init: function() {}             });        });

will still call the timer every second, even though the scene have changed (and will crash if I put breakpoint in the timer). I figured that I can just set 

this.timers = []; 

before the scene change, however that does not feel nice. Any suggested approach?

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