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Pausing and Resuming Timer


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Quick question about using the timer and loop in Phaser.
I'm trying to get a program that runs a timer that checks how long the user has been playing the game, with the time displayed and it needs to be able to pause when a menu is opened.

This is what I have currently:

function create() {    timer = game.add.text(250, 150, '0');    this.currentTimer = new Phaser.Timer(game, false);    this.currentTimer.loop(Phaser.Timer.SECOND, this.updateTimer, this);    this.currentTimer.start();}function update() {    if(pauseButton.isDown){    timer.setText('Pause');    this.currentTimer.pause();    }    if(resumeButton.isDown){    this.currentTimer.resume();    timer.setText(counter);    test++;    }}function updateTimer() {    counter++;    timer.setText(counter);}

Using the console log I can tell that the timer is starting correctly, and can be paused and then resumed. However, the text does not update except to Pause when I press pause. 
Anyone know a solution to this?

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I think the problem may be here:

this.currentTimer.loop(Phaser.Timer.SECOND, this.updateTimer, this);

Which should probably be:

this.currentTimer.loop(Phaser.Timer.SECOND, updateTimer, this);

As an aside, it looks like you're calling pause and resume every frame that the buttons are held down; I'd probably do something like this to reduce all those unnecessary calls.

function update() {  if (pauseButton.isDown) {    // only do this if the game is _not_ already paused    if (!this.gamePaused) {      this.currentTimer.pause();      timer.setText("Paused");    }    this.gamePaused = true;  }  if (resumeButton.isDown) {    // only do this if the game is already paused    if (this.gamePaused) {      this.currentTimer.resume();    }    this.gamePaused = false;  }  // if the game isn't paused, update the text with the counter  if (!this.gamePaused) {    timer.setText(counter);  }}
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It doesn't seem that updateTimer is running at all. Console logs within it show nothing, and a console log of counter outside just stays at 0 the whole time. 
I think there's got to be some problem with the loop not starting for some reason. Here is the whole code if it helps.

var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, updateTimer: updateTimer});function preload() {}    var timer;    counter=0;function create() {    timer = game.add.text(250, 150, '0', { font: "64px Arial", fill: "#ffffff", align: "left" });    Phaser.inputEnabled = true;    this.currentTimer = new Phaser.Timer(game, false);    this.currentTimer.loop(Phaser.Timer.SECOND, updateTimer, this);    this.currentTimer.start();    pauseButton = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.ENTER);    resumeButton = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR);}function update() {  if (pauseButton.isDown) {    // only do this if the game is _not_ already paused    if (!this.gamePaused) {      this.currentTimer.pause();      timer.setText("Paused");    }    this.gamePaused = true;  }  if (resumeButton.isDown) {    // only do this if the game is already paused    if (this.gamePaused) {      this.currentTimer.resume();    }    this.gamePaused = false;  }  // if the game isn't paused, update the text with the counter  if (!this.gamePaused) {    timer.setText(''+counter);  }}function updateTimer() {    counter++;    console.log(counter);}
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Ok I've tracked down the problem. It seems creating a new Phaser.Timer isn't the way to do it, as it is not initialised properly. Instead change the timer creation line to this:

this.currentTimer = game.time.create(false);

And all should work as needed. The reason for this is that the game.time.create method adds the newly created timer to a private _timers array, which is updated by the core Time object. Without being included in this array, the timer is never updated.

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