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Many of the examples don't work


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I initially tried out the examples from the git repo on my localhost and noticed a lot of them didn't work, so I looked at the online versions too and the same ones don't work there either...


I'm on Win7 64bit running the latest Chrome.


Here are a few that aren't working for me (black screen with some console errors)






+ loads more


Any ideas?

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phaser.io was down just this minute, could it be?


this is my console on webkit:

index: (phaser.io)

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TIMED_OUT http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:300,900

since this should have nothing to do with the examples.

in an example page all i get is:

GET https://cdn.rawgit.com/photonstorm/phaser/undefined/build/phaser.js?_=1414675476179                jquery-2.0.3.min.js:6Failed to load Phaser.js from github, falling back to local copy                     phaser-viewer.js:49
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The Google font should load fine - that looks like it's probably an issue at your end; certainly I can open the URL here. The file being downloaded from rawgit for some reason isn't being given a version by default (hence the 'undefined' bit in the middle) so that's probably an issue with the JavaScript that runs the examples.

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The font http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato
works fine if i paste the link. But still getting the error on phaser.io (safari, chrome & FF); 
since this has nothing to do with the examples we can ignore this it hink.

More Errors in examples (listet above).
This: http://examples.phaser.io/_site/view_full.html?d=demoscene&f=unlimited+bobs.js&t=unlimited%20bobs

gets me the following:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (OK)                   https://cdn.rawgit.com/photonstorm/phaser/undefined/build/phaser.js?_=1414677539603Failed to load Phaser.js from github, falling back to local copy           phaser-viewer.js:49   Phaser v2.1.0 | Pixi.js v1.6.1 | Canvas | WebAudio     http://phaser.io    ♥♥♥  VM33:22711Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function                 view_full.html:58

The last one themes to be the problem.

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The other listed examples do also have some errors >in-code<

Link: http://examples.phaser.io/_site/view_full.html?d=audio&f=protracker.js&t=protracker

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (OK) https://cdn.rawgit.com/photonstorm/phaser/undefined/build/phaser.js?_=1414677542607Failed to load Phaser.js from github, falling back to local copy phaser-viewer.js:49   Phaser v2.1.0 | Pixi.js v1.6.1 | Canvas | WebAudio     http://phaser.io    ♥♥♥  VM33:22711Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://examples.phaser.io/plugins/ProTracker.jsUncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <Uncaught ReferenceError: Protracker is not defined VM34:68Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'position' of undefined 
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Most of the problems seem to be down to incorrect URLs - again undefined is appearing in place of the version number, and it looks like the location of the plugins has been changed (or they've been removed altogether from the Phaser website) - I guess Rich will be able to shed some more light on these issues.

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I only looked at ProTacker, but the plug-ins folder doesn't exist in the folder structure on the website. 


I would like to add that protracker is not working in the copy you download from github either. 



Using a local copy of the examples, I forced the URL of phaser from rawgit to cdnjs to see what happened and it still didn't work. I wasn't surprised, BUT there was one less error   :lol:


It also might be nice to make him a list of all the broken ones so they can be addressed in one shot.  Most of the one's I have used this week do work though.  

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I have also problems with ProTracker example.


I'm using Firefox 33.0.1 for my tests.


I have put the corrects files and directories on my web server.

.├── assets│   ├── audio│   │   └── protracker│   │       ├── act_of_impulse.mod│   │       ├── elysium.mod│   │       ├── enigma.mod│   │       ├── global_trash_3_v2.mod│   │       ├── macrocosm.mod│   │       ├── sd-ingame1.mod│   │       └── shampoo.mod│   ├── pics│   │   └── vulkaiser_red.png│   ├── skies│   │   └── sky2.png│   └── sprites│       ├── soundtracker.png│       └── vu.png├── index.html├── protracker.js└── ProTracker.js 

I get this error:


ReferenceError: webkitAudioContext is not defined protracker:120
TypeError: module.channel[0] is undefined


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  • 2 months later...

Has this been resolved yet? Maybe I'm just not understanding something?


I'm still not able to view many examples on the site. Eg:



In Firefox 35.0 under Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, I get the following console logs, and errors:

  • "Failed to load Phaser.js from github, falling back to local copy"
  • "Phaser v2.2.2 | Pixi.js v2.2.0 | WebGL | WebAudio | http://phaser.io"
  • X TypeError: c.Physics.Ninja is not a constructor
  • X TypeError: tiles is undefined
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