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Google Maps on Babylon.js


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I'm trying to build a mobile game which use GPS positioning and Google Maps.

The main objective is to find targets located on the Google Maps coordinates and to interact with them.



How could I add a Google Maps layer as a dynamic ground, based on GPS coordinates? I've seen a Bing Maps example but that's not very helpful.





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I think that's why dad72 suggested the static google maps API: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/staticmaps/?hl=en


Using a canvas element as texture is possible, too, as far as I know. It is called dynamic texture, an example can be found here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/eternalcoding/archive/2013/08/12/creating-a-3d-chart-for-your-windows-8-1-app-using-babylon-js.aspx


I hope that helps :)

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SB... you might want to look at https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/wiki ... #15 in the More Advanced Features section (tiled grounds).  One of Célian's demos uses openStreetMap.org tiles... to make maps on ground planes.


I don't know how interactive they are, though.  You may run into the same problem with dynamicTextures, too.  Sure, you can likely place a map on a plane, but what will be clickable and how to make it so?  *scratch scratch* 

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