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Phaser + Intel XDK + GreenSock TimelineLite


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Hi people!  :)


I am creating an animation in Phaser with TimelineLite because I want to be able to control the progress... 


APK generated with Intel XDK (Crosswalk): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzCYt2vtA7bJVXJvNGVSb2oya3M/view?usp=sharing 


I wonder if there is a way to reverse the animation of sprites when I revert the tween timeline... ¿Any idea to do this?


Thanks in advance, Nicholls

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If the animation of the sprites is done with TimelineLite/Max then simply calling .revert() will do the work. Or you can do 

//jumps to exactly 2 secondsmyAnimation.seek(2);

To seek to that specific point of the animation.


Also with a little more detail on what you are trying to achieve and some more information about the actual use of TimelineLite you can also post a question here: http://greensock.com/forums/forum/11-gsap/

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