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BABYLON.Tools.CreateScreenshot does not render mesh instances


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Hi everybody,


I've just noticed that BABYLON.Tools.CreateScreenshot does not render mesh instances in the output picture...


You can test here (pink object is simple box, isolated blue object is a mesh, the two other blue objects are instances of the isolated blue) :




Strange, isn't it ?


[EDIT: correct playground link and color info]

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Oh sorry, my bad, I didn't post the correct playground...



In fact the pink object is just an simple box, with no instances, just for checking.


The blue meshes are those which are instanciated : the isolated one is the original mesh, the two others are the instances.


When no instances are created, the screenshot is ok (we can see the pink ref box and the blue mesh), but when we start to create instances, no more blue objects on the screenshot...

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This does not seem resolved. It missing the 2 instance  cubes blue :




and this: not work:

scene.actionManager = new BABYLON.ActionManager(scene);scene.actionManager.registerAction(new BABYLON.ExecuteCodeAction({ trigger: BABYLON.ActionManager.OnKeyUpTrigger, parameter: "s" }, function () {             BABYLON.Tools.CreateScreenshot(engine, scene.activeCamera, { precision: 1 });   }));

The key 's' does not trigger anything (I'm in Chrome)


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It starts to download the screenshot on page loading because dad72 has changed the code to launch automaticaly the screenshot to test it. But the fact that chrome does not fire key press event is a real bug.

Is it chrome side or BJS side, that is the question.

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ooopps sorry, I was in FF


doesn't work in chromium : the png is downloaded but the S key doesn't show the pop-up


mmhh... inspecting the event listeners in chromium, it seems the keydown event listener is attached to some jquery callback function

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