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ImportMesh Animations


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I cannot seem to get this to let me scale the model. No matter what scale I put in, it doesn't change. Also, the animation is playing without me telling it to start as soon as the model is loaded. Any advice?

				BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("", "../Models/NPCs/Monsters/Boss Pukui/", "BossPukui.babylon", scene,					function (mapZone, particleSystems, skeletons)					{						mapZone[0].rotationQuaternion = null;						mapZone[0].scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(0.00001, 0.00001, 0.00001);					//	mapZone[0].rotation = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -3.141593, 0.000000);						mapZone[0].position = new BABYLON.Vector3(-104.0314, 4.3437, -14.2259);					//	scene.beginAnimation(skeletons[0], 0, 250, true)					}				);
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On the 2nd point, search for "autoAnimate" in your .babylon.  Edit and change to false.  Crude yes, but unless you can edit your exporter, no choice.  This cannot happen to skeletons from Blender.


On the first, maybe add mapZone[0].computeWorldMatrix(true);

Forcing, might change behavior and yield clue.

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Another thing that has gotten me, in regards to scaling in Babylon, is when in object mode in Blender, you want your position, rotation and scale to be the default values:


Position: 0, 0, 0

Rotation: 0, 0, 0

Scaling: 1, 1, 1


And only edit those values when you are in Edit mode of the object. Otherwise the exporter will not behave as expected. If this has nothing to do with it, then I will just walk right along haha

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Another thing that has gotten me, in regards to scaling in Babylon, is when in object mode in Blender, you want your position, rotation and scale to be the default values:


Position: 0, 0, 0

Rotation: 0, 0, 0

Scaling: 1, 1, 1


And only edit those values when you are in Edit mode of the object. Otherwise the exporter will not behave as expected. If this has nothing to do with it, then I will just walk right along haha


Yeah, this is not an issue with the exporter. Just me being half asleep and making silly mistakes. :)

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So my only issue now is the auto start of the animations. I've made them all "false" in the Babylon file, and he still auto starts. Can this auto start setting be made a selectable option in the 3DS exporter? All my animations will be triggered etc through a state machine.

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