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Reading .babylon file to find all "connected" image files


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Ello people of the world!


On my editor I'm working on a mesh database system thingy. So how it works is you drag your babylon files into a folder, and then the editor will automatically categorize everything into separate folders.


Problem is, after grabbing the babylon file, how would I read it and know what image files go with what babylon file, and so on??



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OK, so it turns out it wasn't that hard at all!!!
Here's the code: (Just thrown together)

function scanBabylonImages(dir) {    var attachedImages = [];    $.ajax({        url: dir,        async: true,        success: function(data) {            onComplete(data)        },        error: function(data,error) {            console.error(error);        }    });    function onComplete(data) {        //Go through the babylon file's materials. Find any texture images        var data = JSON.parse(data)        data.materials.forEach(function(mat,m) {            var toScan = ["diffuseTexture","ambientTexture","opacityTexture","reflectionTexture","emissiveTexture","specularTexture","bumpTexture"]            toScan.forEach(function(texture,t) {                if(mat[texture] != null) {                    attachedImages.push(mat[texture].name)                }            });        })        //Clean any duplicates        finalAttachedImages = [];        for(var i = 0, n = attachedImages.length; i < n; i++) {            for(var x = 0, y = finalAttachedImages.length; x < y; x++) {                if(finalAttachedImages[x]==attachedImages[i]) {                    continue;                }            }            finalAttachedImages[finalAttachedImages.length] = attachedImages[i];        }        console.log(finalAttachedImages);    }}


Basically it first loads the file using jquery, then it finds any texture files, and then gets rid of any duplicates. Then it logs what it finds.

If anyone wants to use it, feel free to do whatever. :) :)

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When reading a file babylon he sufit to go see the given material:






this gives you the path of the image and the image that the model use.

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Ahhhh ok. Is this how that would be done?


function scanBabylonImages(dir) {	var attachedImages = [];	$.ajax({		url: dir,		async: true,		success: function(data) {			onComplete(data)		},		error: function(data,error) {			console.error(error);		}	});	function onComplete(data) {		//Go through the babylon file's materials. Find any texture images		var data = JSON.parse(data)		data.materials.forEach(function(mat,m) {			var toScan = ["diffuseTexture","ambientTexture","opacityTexture","reflectionTexture","emissiveTexture","specularTexture","bumpTexture"]			toScan.forEach(function(texture,t) {				if(mat[texture] != null) {					attachedImages.push(mat[texture].name)				}			});						if(mat.subMaterials != null && mat.subMaterials.length != 0) {				mat.subMaterials.forEach(function(texture,t) {					if(mat.subMaterials[texture] != null) {						attachedImages.push(mat[texture].name)					}				});			}		})		//Clean any duplicates		finalAttachedImages = [];		for(var i = 0, n = attachedImages.length; i < n; i++) {			for(var x = 0, y = finalAttachedImages.length; x < y; x++) {				if(finalAttachedImages[x]==attachedImages[i]) {					continue;				}			}			finalAttachedImages[finalAttachedImages.length] = attachedImages[i];		}		console.log(finalAttachedImages)	}}

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