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Issue importing Mesh


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Hi All,


I am having a major issues importing a .babylon file that I created in google Sketchup then imported in to blender and out to a .babylon file.


When ever I try and load it into my scene it just kills my application.


I have also tried to load it into the http://www.babylonjs.com/sandbox/ and this just sits on the loading screen for ever and I can see any errors in the console.


 I have attached the file and trying to load.


Could some one help I have been banging my head against this for 2 days now.


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Sorry am totally new to this what log are you talking about?


And where do I get it?

There should be a file created in the same directory as the .babylon with a .log extension, probably house2.log.  It will have what was done (how big are your meshes), any warnings, etc.  Putting it on Blender 2.74 seems a bit premature. I tried dragging the set of files to the sandbox.  That .babylon is massive, 9.7 mb.  How many vertices are showing as being exported in the .log file?  Sand box just hangs.



hi jc.. i am also having same problem when i loading data its gives

TypeError: a is undefined
....FromArray=function(a,c){return c||(c=0),new b(a[c],a[c+1],a[c+2])},b.FromArrayTo...    


vahith, you also need to post a log file.  FYI, you should switch to the debug version of babylon.js, when you actually get an error there.

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