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[Feature request] adding new Sprite events


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I'm new to phaser and so far is great. I was wondering if it would be worth considering adding new Sprite events/signals like "update" and "onDragUpdate" which I think could be very helpful when developing games.


What do you think guys ?


Thank you

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Sprites have empty update methods which you can override as needed. You can add whatever code you want in there (and should do so!).


I won't ever make a Sprite emit an update event though - just because it could potentially flood the system as most Sprites update 60 times per second, multiply that by all of your sprites and that's a titanic butt-load of events being generated every frame.


If you just want to monitor a sprite while it's being dragged then you should use the InputManagers addMovementCallback function. It's still quite high frequency but ONLY during movement events, so much safer to hook in to.

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