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Bounding box?


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Yes for sure :) You can use:

sprite.body.setSize(width, height, offsetX, offsetY)

Here is a full example showing how to use it:

<?php    $title = "Offset bounding box";    require('../head.php');?><script type="text/javascript">(function () {    var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render });    function preload() {        game.load.image('atari', 'assets/sprites/atari130xe.png');        game.load.image('mushroom', 'assets/sprites/mushroom2.png');    }    var sprite1;    var sprite2;    function create() {        game.stage.backgroundColor = '#2d2d2d';        sprite1 = game.add.sprite(50, 200, 'atari');        sprite1.name = 'atari';        sprite1.body.velocity.x = 100;        //  This adjusts the collision body size.        //  100x50 is the new width/height.        //  50, 25 is the X and Y offset of the newly sized box.        //  In this case the box is 50px in and 25px down.        sprite1.body.setSize(100, 50, 50, 25);        sprite2 = game.add.sprite(700, 220, 'mushroom');        sprite2.name = 'mushroom';        sprite2.body.velocity.x = -100;    }    function update() {        // object1, object2, collideCallback, processCallback, callbackContext        game.physics.collide(sprite1, sprite2, collisionHandler, null, this);    }    function collisionHandler (obj1, obj2) {        game.stage.backgroundColor = '#992d2d';        console.log(obj1.name + ' collided with ' + obj2.name);    }    function render() {        game.debug.renderRectangle(sprite1.body);        game.debug.renderRectangle(sprite2.body);    }})();</script><?php    require('../foot.php');?>
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No it's not possible to define a specific input hit area right now I'm afraid, it will always extend to the full bounds of the object + rotation. If you want you could always re-enable the Pixi InteractionManager and use that, although this is just a guess and I've no idea if it would work properly - but should be very fast to test out.

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