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Level Music Stopping Issue or Not looping


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For the game I am making the level audio is approximately 40 seconds and is set to looping when added in the create method of my game, after it is done playing, it doesn't seem to loop or start playing again, although I haven't waited for an over a minute waiting for it to start again. Also it's a wav file, which I've been told works.

I had thought maybe it was some of my other pausing and resuming of the music, but with all those lines taken out and just the below ones, the problem persists. I also printed out level_music.isPlaying and level_music.loop and both are true, but there is no  sound playing.. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

create: function()...//add musiclevel_music = this.add.audio('level_one');level_music.play('', 0, 0.1, true);//also tried this to see if it made a difference//add musiclevel_music = this.add.audio('level_one');level_music.play();level_music.volume = .1;level_music.loop = true;...}
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Well I tried switching to mp3 format and that didn't change the problem, so I went with your workaround deniz. Thanks for that solution. I'm still wondering why it doesn't work with 2.2.2, since I know someone else using that version of phaser and they don't seem to have a problem. Either way, it work now! Thanks again.

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