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doNotAdd for Textures


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Hi guys =D


With Material, we can create a Materail and don't add it to scene.materials due to that :


new BABYLON.Material(name, scene, doNotAdd)

the 3rd arg is used for that.



Is it possible to do the same with textures (and scene.textures) ?

the same with StandardMaterial and MultiMaterial ?

the same with StandardMaterial.clone(name) ?


Thank you ;)

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I don't understand RaananW :

there are these code lines here :

 if (!doNotAdd) {               scene.materials.push(this);            }

Good question :

I've notice that sometimes I create and use Textures and they are in the array "scene.textures" ; and sometimes they don't ;

whereas they are showed at screen (I don't why they aren't in the array),

I ask this question because it take may be less RAM memory if the texture isn't in this array.


I think dad72 has right : it is added to the array in the unique aim to access it later ;)

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What I meant was that this parameter is not used by any class that extends the material class. The material class is never used directly. Much like an abstract class. Check the constructor of the extended classes, they never call the full constructor of the material class.

JavaScript uses references when storing objects in arrays, so no ram will be saved as well...

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