san40511 Posted June 1, 2015 Share Posted June 1, 2015 I have problem with compatibility phaser.js+cordova media plugin. when I try to record new audio file from build ios recorder the system through Error : ERROR: [0x19c154310] -[AVAudioSession setActive:withOptions:error:]: Deactivating an audio session that has running I/O. All I/O should be stopped or paused prior to deactivating the audio session. After that I can listen my record but I can't play sound from phaser application. This bug repeated only on device on the emulator all works perfect.Test devices : ipad mini 2 ios 8.3 ipad air ios 8.3 My code for recording :var $f = {};$f._M = function () {this.initStartParameters();};$f._M.prototype = { _recording : false, _fileExist : false, _recordDuration : 5000, _endDuration : 4800, mediaVar : null, fileFullPath : null, fileSystem:"",record : function (fileName,onStartClb,onStopClb) { var self = this; if(this._recording) return false; onStartClb?onStartClb():null; this.createMedia(fileName,function(){ self.mediaVar.startRecord(); console.log('record started'); setTimeout(function () { console.log('record stopped'); self.mediaVar.stopRecord(); },3000); });},stopRecord : function (clb) { this._recording = false; this.mediaVar.stopRecord(); clb?clb():null;},play : function(fileName){ var self = this; this.createMedia(fileName,function(){; setTimeout(function () { self.mediaVar.pause(); },self._endDuration) });},stop : function(fileName,clb){ var self = this; this.createMedia(fileName,function(){ self.mediaVar.stop(); clb?clb():null;});},initStartParameters : function(){ var self = this; if(window.hasOwnProperty('LocalFileSystem')){ window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem){ self.fileSystem = fileSystem; }, self.onError);}},createMedia : function(recordFileName,clb){ var self = this; if(self.mediaVar){clb?clb():false;return;} if(this.fileSystem){ self.mediaVar = new Media(recordFileName+".wav", function(){}, self.onError, null); console.log(self.mediaVar); clb?clb():null; }},checkSource : function (fileName,clb) { var self = this; if(this.fileSystem){ if(self.mediaVar){self.mediaVar.stop()} this.fileSystem.root.getFile(fileName+".wav",{}, function (fileEntry) { fileEntry.file(function(){ clb?clb(true):null; });self.mediaVar = new Media(fileName+".wav", function(){}, self.onError, null); console.log(self.mediaVar)},function(){ self.mediaVar = null; clb?clb(false):null;});}},onError : function(err){ if (typeof err.message != 'undefined') console.log(err.message);}}; So after some time I understood. The reason why it don't work placed inside phaser file. When I use my code without phaser it work good. When I add phaser library then error is thrown. So guys if anybody know why it's happen, please answer me because I think it's critical problem, Media plugin the most popular plugin for cocoonjs and phoneGap. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yasdar Posted October 8, 2016 Share Posted October 8, 2016 i think this is what you are looking for. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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