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Small job: Phaser examples page build $250


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Edit: This task has now been finished. Please don't email me any more :)


Hey all,


We've got a lovely new design for the Phaser Examples page that will be used both locally when you checkout and repo and as part of our web site. Have a look here:




Also there is a great new page to show the actual example too:




These exist as PSD files currently. Normally I use the service PSD2HTML and have had excellent results from it. Lovely clean html and css, well structured, no nasty hacks. But I know there are quite a lot of people here who do web build too - so I'm going to offer this up to the community instead.


If you think you can do a good clean job converting the above into clean and tidy html/css for $250 USD then drop me a PM or email [email protected]. It will need doing early this week though.





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