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Neither Gravity or Collision works (Arcade)


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I'm making a game with a friend, we have gotten quite far into the development, except the physics has never worked? We keep adding to the game whilst also trying to fix it..  We've evidently had no luck :(

I think when the gameState is set to "Menu", the gravity seems to work, however not when it's set to "Playing".


Here is the code: http://pastebin.com/0LNfEcq4


Thanks in advance!

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Also, another problem with my code.. When the gameState is set to "Menu", it has 2 buttons.  These buttons do not work however.  Adding a breakpoint I see it doesn't ever get to line 441.  Is there anything I'm doing wrong?

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your code is a bit too long to be quikly debugged.


just a few comments:

- no need of these lines in update function:

game.physics.arcade.enable(player, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);game.physics.arcade.enable(platform1, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);game.physics.arcade.enable(platform2, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);game.physics.arcade.enable(platform3, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);game.physics.arcade.enable(platform4, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);  player.enableBody = true;

- for changing the state the correct way is:


- the buttons must be like :

playButton = game.add.button(playButtonX, playButtonY, 'playButton', playFunction, this);game.add.button(coinCornerButtonX, coinCornerButtonY, 'CoinCorner', coinFunction, this);

(it's better to make one function for each button, and do not put brackets () in the creation of the button)



I hope this could help you, but it seems you need to read more examples and the official documentation.

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your code is a bit too long to be quikly debugged.


just a few comments:

- no need of these lines in update function:

game.physics.arcade.enable(player, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);game.physics.arcade.enable(platform1, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);game.physics.arcade.enable(platform2, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);game.physics.arcade.enable(platform3, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);game.physics.arcade.enable(platform4, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);  player.enableBody = true;

- for changing the state the correct way is:


- the buttons must be like :

playButton = game.add.button(playButtonX, playButtonY, 'playButton', playFunction, this);game.add.button(coinCornerButtonX, coinCornerButtonY, 'CoinCorner', coinFunction, this);

(it's better to make one function for each button, and do not put brackets () in the creation of the button)



I hope this could help you, but it seems you need to read more examples and the official documentation.

I'll read more on it, thanks for the help!

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- the buttons must be like :

playButton = game.add.button(playButtonX, playButtonY, 'playButton', playFunction, this);game.add.button(coinCornerButtonX, coinCornerButtonY, 'CoinCorner', coinFunction, this);

(it's better to make one function for each button, and do not put brackets () in the creation of the button)



I hope this could help you, but it seems you need to read more examples and the official documentation.


I'm afraid this doesn't work.. The buttons are still not clickable :(

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