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Callback in Babylon.SceneLoader.ImportMesh


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Hi guys,

I have  problem with babylon.sceneloader.importmesh. I tried importing mesh from .babylon file. Its importing correctly. but  the problem is the callback in importmesh function is called twice.because of this i got meshes. I need to call the callback only once. 

Help me out,



This is happening only in windows store app. Not in any other application.

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Hi guys,

I have  problem with babylon.sceneloader.importmesh. I tried importing mesh from .babylon file. Its importing correctly. but  the problem is the callback in importmesh function is called twice.because of this i got meshes. I need to call the callback only once. 

Help me out,



This is happening only in windows store app. Not in any other application.


Me too have the same issue, Anybody has any solution ?

Code :  

BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("", "scene/", "link1.babylon", scene, function (newMeshes){// , particleSystems, skeletons) {

                       link1 = newMeshes[0];
                        link1.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -2, 0);
                        link1.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5);
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Ya dude, I tried adding console.log before and inside the import mesh.

Before Import mesh its calling once but inside (callback) it is calling twice. This issue is coming only in windows store app but the same is working fine in browser.

Please help me.

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Finally did a bad fix  :(

This issue is coming because of the following method calling twice "importMeshFromData(data)" in bababylon.js. Don't know whats happening before this call. The fix here is as follows in babylon.2.1.debug.js



BABYLON.Tools.LoadFile(rootUrl + sceneFilename, function (data) {     
                }, progressCallBack, database);


After : Added a new variable "scene_Filename"

BABYLON.Tools.LoadFile(rootUrl + sceneFilename, function (data) {                    
                    if (scene_Filename == "") {
                        scene_Filename = rootUrl + sceneFilename;
                }, progressCallBack, database);
I know its a bad fix, can anybody help me in finding the root course ?
*remember its happening only in windows store app
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Attaching the sample project.

I have added a console.log inside import mesh in default.js. The below code is running twice and adding two meshes instead of one.

Please find the default.js inside "JSUniversalAPP.shared"


 BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("", "scene/", "base.babylon", scene, function (newMeshes, particleSystems, skeletons) {
            console.log("----------- base mesh loaded -------------");



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The problem is in method Database.prototype.checkManifestFile.

I run the demo app in debug, and here it what is done:


   - creating xhr request : https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/blob/master/src/Tools/babylon.database.ts#L64

   - try {xhr.send()} : https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/blob/master/src/Tools/babylon.database.ts#L96

   - Entering in the catch block : https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/blob/master/src/Tools/babylon.database.ts#L99

   - Later, entering in the 'load' event : https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/blob/master/src/Tools/babylon.database.ts#L70


The last step should not happen. Maybe a bug only on Windows apps ?

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