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Wrong skeletonID in Blender export


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Hey there,


We have a strange problem with exporting from Blender to Babylon.js.


There are two armatures in a .blend file animating two different meshes. When exporting, using exporter 3.0.2, these get exported with the IDs 0 and 1 in the .babylon's skeletons array. Strangely, the meshes try to reference them by the skeletonIDs 0 and 4. 0 works, but 4 obviously doesn't.
The skeleton with ID 1 is not even loaded by BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh. In the callback function, Skeleton[] has a length of 1. When I change the wrong skeletonID from 4 to 1 in the .babylon file by hand, everything works as expected.


Is this an error on our part, or does the export mix up the IDs?


The scene in question is available at https://github.com/daniel-nth/babylon-skeletonid-test


Thanks for your time,


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This started happening since July 7.  Unfortunately the version was not updated with that PR.  It was 1.8 at the time.  A person doing the PR, github ID jackcaron, no forum ID, changed to allow that an armature need not be the parent of the mesh.


It relied on a method, find_armature() to locate it.   There then needed to a loop with nested if statements added to do the skeleton id assignment.  The wrong indenting was used, so an else got paired wrong.


This will be taken care of.  Thanks for reporting.

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