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Create bone animation programatically


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I'm trying to create bone animation programatically which will be used for interpolation between two animations.

My code:

var bone = skeleton.bones[0];var bone_animation = bone.animations[0];var current_frame = Math.round(bone_animation.currentFrame);if(!current_frame) current_frame = 0;var animationArm = new BABYLON.Animation("myAnimation", "_matrix", 30, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_MATRIX);animationArm.setKeys([    {frame: 0, value: bone_animation._keys[current_frame].value},    {frame: 30, value: bone_animation._keys[100].value}]);bone.animations.push(animationArm);animationArm.animate(0, 0, 30, true, 1);

And i get this error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '_matrix' of undefined

Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong. Or give some tips how interpollation between two skeletal animations can be achieved.


Thanks :)

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can you try with this:

var bone = skeleton.bones[0];var bone_animation = bone.animations[0];var current_frame = Math.round(bone_animation.currentFrame);if(!current_frame) current_frame = 0;var animationArm = new BABYLON.Animation("myAnimation", "_matrix", 30, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_MATRIX);animationArm.setKeys([    {frame: 0, value: bone_animation._keys[current_frame].value},    {frame: 30, value: bone_animation._keys[100].value}]);bone.animations.push(animationArm);scene.beginAnimation(bone, 0, 30, true);
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Hi Deltakosh :) No error, but nothing happens. I guess problem is that bone has two animations (first is original skeletal animation and second is created programatically) and beginAnimation function tries to play them both. I need to find solution how to ignore the first one animation. Well maybe I'm wrong, that's just my speculations.

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Can you add more keys in your animation ? By default matrices are not interpolated

Wow. It works!!!! Thank you :) I don't know if I am doing this right, but at least something is working :D

My code looks like that now:

			var player = scene.getMeshByName('player');			var bone = get_bone_by_name(player.skeleton, 'LeftShoulder');			var bone_animation = bone.animations[0];			var current_frame = Math.round(bone_animation.currentFrame);			if(!current_frame)			current_frame = 0;			var animationArm = new BABYLON.Animation("myAnimation", "_matrix", 30, BABYLON.Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_MATRIX);			var steps = new Float32Array(16);			// Generate single step values			for(var n in bone_animation._keys[current_frame].value.m) {				var s_val = bone_animation._keys[current_frame].value.m[n];				var e_val = bone_animation._keys[90].value.m[n];				var val = (e_val - s_val) / 30;				steps[n] = val;			}			// Generate keys			var keys = [];			for(var i = 0; i <= 30; i++){				var arr = new Float32Array(16);				for(var n in steps) {					arr[n] = bone_animation._keys[current_frame].value.m[n] + (i * steps[n]);				}				var obj = new BABYLON.Matrix();				obj.m = arr;				var key = {frame: i, value: obj};				keys.push(key);			}			animationArm.setKeys(keys);			bone.animations.push(animationArm);			scene.beginAnimation(bone, 0, 30, false, 1, function(){				// Remove interpolation animation				bone.animations.pop();				// Continue looped animation				scene.beginAnimation(bone, 90, 105, true);			});
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