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Camera to include whole world (zoom-out?)


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Hey guys,


I'm struggling with the following issue, I have a game world with bounds 720x3840 and I'm trying to figure out a way to show the whole world in the camera, like a zoom out thing but without any borders at the sides.


I need to be able to return to the normal zoom at some point.


Is there a way other than scaling the entire game?



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720x4000? This is a really high world... Width / Height ratio is so out of proportion that I can't think of any solution to your problem. If you want to see it all, you will either have the borders, or have the width so spread that it will look like sh**...


If the feature you're doing is just to give a glimpse of the complete map to the player, maybe do a camera go-through at game start instead? But showing it all at once is, IMHO, impossible or extremely ugly.

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Ok so I have some new question but its related, I found that if I make my game 720x3840 I get the result that I want because the scaling .SHOW_ALL works really well, so my question is this, is it "bad" to change the height of the game on my main game state? and then reset it for all the other screens (that need to be normal size ofc).


If it is "bad" care to explain why please?


Thanks guys.

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