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Help Editing Example


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Hi I'm currently trying to edit and modify a codepen example found here:

http://codepen.io/jackrugile/pen/fqHtn/ from a thread found here: http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/7369-infinite-world/


what I'm trying to do is get it into an html document, but for some reason when I use it "as-is" it just shows a black screen. How can I implement this example into a running version for an html file, and use it on my own server. (and yes I know how to implement a .js file into .html, this one's just not working)

thanks for the help!​



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have you included the external js (phaser library in the settings) in your html file? http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/phaser/2.0.5/phaser.min.js


also note you can't run Phaser locally from the desktop most of the time, you need to host it on a (local or remote) webserver


that said, this one does run locally (as there are no domain security issues here)


i put the js from the codepen into an html file





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