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Why is the ground plane texture not exported from Blender


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In the attached blender and babylon file. I tried to use inline textures to export a car sitting on a ground plane (PNG) which is 1416 x 2832 pixels (we need a large detailed ground plane).


But if I am reading the export log properly, the car textures were exported, but not the ground plane. I also do not see a ground plane.


I set an emission for the ground plane, and have a bright sun that lights up the car, but the ground plane is missing.


Enclosed is a screen shot of what it looks like in Blender.

	Exporter version: 3.0.4, Blender version: 2.75 (sub 0)========= Conversion from Blender to Babylon.js =========	Python World class constructor completed	processing begun of mesh:  Plane		processing begun of Standard material:  mcity		Diffuse texture found			Image texture found, type:  diffuseTexture, mapped using: "UVMap"		num positions      :  6		num normals        :  6		num uvs            :  12		num uvs2           :  0		num colors         :  0		num indices        :  6	processing begun of node:  Full Car	processing begun of mesh:  Car_Red		processing begun of Standard material:  CarTexture.002		Diffuse texture found			Image texture found, type:  diffuseTexture, mapped using: "CarBody"		processing begun of Standard material:  WhiteStripe.002		Diffuse texture found			Image texture found, type:  diffuseTexture, mapped using: "CarBody"		processing begun of Standard material:  Windows.002		Diffuse texture found			Image texture found, type:  diffuseTexture, mapped using: "CarBody"		processing begun of Standard material:  RearWindow.002		Diffuse texture found			Image texture found, type:  diffuseTexture, mapped using: "CarBody"		processing begun of Standard material:  WindShield.002		Diffuse texture found			Image texture found, type:  diffuseTexture, mapped using: "CarBody"		processing begun of multimaterial:  m_city.Multimaterial#0		num positions      :  5220		num normals        :  5220		num uvs            :  10440		num uvs2           :  0		num colors         :  0		num indices        :  5220	processing begun of mesh:  TireFD		processing begun of Standard material:  Material.009		Diffuse texture found			Image texture found, type:  diffuseTexture, mapped using: "UVTex"		num positions      :  240		num normals        :  240		num uvs            :  480		num uvs2           :  0		num colors         :  0		num indices        :  240	processing begun of mesh:  TireFP		processing begun of Standard material:  Material.010		Diffuse texture found			Image texture found, type:  diffuseTexture, mapped using: "UVTex"		num positions      :  240		num normals        :  240		num uvs            :  480		num uvs2           :  0		num colors         :  0		num indices        :  240	processing begun of mesh:  TireRD		processing begun of Standard material:  Material.011		Diffuse texture found			Image texture found, type:  diffuseTexture, mapped using: "UVTex"		num positions      :  240		num normals        :  240		num uvs            :  480		num uvs2           :  0		num colors         :  0		num indices        :  240	processing begun of mesh:  TireRP		processing begun of Standard material:  Material.012		Diffuse texture found			Image texture found, type:  diffuseTexture, mapped using: "UVTex"		num positions      :  240		num normals        :  240		num uvs            :  480		num uvs2           :  0		num colors         :  0		num indices        :  240	processing begun of camera (FreeCamera):  Camera	processing begun of light (SUN):  Lamp========= Writing of scene file started ================== Writing of scene file completed ================== end of processing =========elapsed time:  0 min, 0.38 secs




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First, in your zip the file m-city.png is neither in the zip, nor packed into the blend, so I can only look at the log above, and directly edit the .babylon using a text editor.


The mesh named Plane does show it found diffuse texture.  It is inside the .babylon file, on line 3.  It did not show, because the material had no ambient or diffuse.  I pasted ""ambient":[0.8,0.8,0.8],"diffuse":[0.64,0.64,0.64]" in place of what was on line 2 & it worked.


Not a bug.

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I did include the PNG, but not in the zip. I doubled checked blend, and I as shown below I think I am setting the diffuse. I am including a new zip with the texture enclosed. I do not doubt there is something simple I am missing.


In the zip is a screenshot of the blender settings for the material.




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