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Multi-hitbox Phaser Button


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Hi all,


I am trying to extend the Phaser.Button to have different hit-areas depending on it's state:

this.onInputDown.add(() => {this._isDown = true;let tempPhaserFrame = game.cache.getFrameByName(key, frameDown);if (tempPhaserFrame instanceof Phaser.Frame) {this.hitArea = tempPhaserFrame.getRect();// this.hitArea.offset(-this.anchor.x * this.hitArea.width, -this.anchor.y * this.hitArea.height);console.log(this.hitArea);}});

However, when I do this the button immediately gets unpressed once the hitArea is changed. Why is this?

How could I achieve a variable sized button hit check?



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Hi Skeptron,


Not really, it is just that the when the button is pressed it reduces it's size visually. I wanted to represent that in the hit box, so that when you drag out the mouse while not releasing the button, it would pop-out (became unpressed) at the new smaller edge instead of the bigger original edge.


Does that make sense?

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